Author: VQT

Folktales from India: How the Cobra Became Poisonous

In every corner of India, there is a wealth of folktales. Their subjects are diverse-how the world was made, how the kings should rule, tales of wise and foolish, men, women and, animal fables.

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Folktales from India: The Tale of the four foolish pandits

In every corner of India, there is a wealth of folktales. Their subjects are diverse-how the world was made, how the kings should rule, tales of wise and foolish, men, women and, animal fables.

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Folktales from India: A Very Short Very Tall Story

In every corner of India, there is a wealth of folktales. Their subjects are diverse
-how the world was made, how the kings should rule, tales of wise and foolish, men, women and, animal fables.
Looking for folktales, I found those compiled by Eunice de Souza, whose brief biography shows at the end of this post.

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